History of English Literature | Victorian era (1837-1901)

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Victorian Age Solved MCQs From English Literature 

1. "The Cry  of  the  Children" is  a  poem  by 

A. Elizabeth  Barret  Browning 

B. A.C  Swinburne 

C. Robert  Browning 

D. Charles  Dickens 

Ans. A

2. The  Oxford  Movement  represents 

A. the  Protestant  Religion 

B. the  Anglican  Religion 

C. the  Roman  Catholic  Religion 

D. the  Judaism 

Ans. C

3. Tennyson’s In  Memoriam  was  published  in 

A. 1833 

B. 1847 

C. 1850 

D. 1842 

Ans. C

4. Martin  Chuzzlewit  is  a  novel  by 

A. George  Eliot 

B. Charles  Dickens 

C. Charles  Kingsley 

D. Charlotte  Bronte

Ans. D

5. Which  of  the  following  novels  is  not  written  by  Thomas  Hardy 

A. A  Pair  of  Blue  Eyes 

B. The  Woodlanders 

C. The  well  Beloved 

D. Westward  Ho! 

Ans. D

6. Who  among  following  was  the  queen  of  England  during  the  Victorian  Era? 

A. Marie  Loise 

B. Anne  Victoria 

C. Elizabeth  Alexandra 

D. Alexandrina  Victoria 

Ans. D

7. The  author  of A Christmas  Carole  is 

A. John  Muir 

B. Thomas  Hardy 

C. Charles  Dickens 

D. Elizabeth  Gaskell 

Ans. C

8. "And  there  was  a  great  calm"  is  a  poem  by 

A. Emile  Bronte 

B. C.G.  Rossetti 

C. Matthew  Arnold 

D. Thomas  Hardy 

Ans. C

9. The  Study  of  Poetry  is  an  essay  by 

A. Thomas  Carlyle 

B. John  Ruskin 

C. Matthew  Arnold 

D. Oscar  Wilde

10. Who  among  the  following  became  the  Prime  Minister  of  England  ? 

A. Charles  Reade 

B. Benjamin  Disraeli 

C.   Bulwer  Lytton 

D. Robert  Louis  Stevenson 

Ans. B

11. Currer  Bell  was  the  pen-name  of 

A. Charlotte  Bronte 

B. Emily  Bronte 

C. Anne  Bronte 

D. Patrick  Bronte 

Ans. A

12. The  Ballad  of  Reading  Gaol  is  a  work  by 

A. Gerald  Manley  Hopkins 

B. Arthur  Hugh  Clough 

C. Oscar  Wilde 

D. Thomas  Paine 

Ans. C

13. Tennyson  became  the  Poet  Laureate  after 

A. A.C  Swinburne 

B. William  Wordsworth 

C. Lord  Byron 

D. Robert  Southey 

Ans. B

14. "Spring  and  Fall"  is  a  poem  by 

A. Gerad  Manley  Hopkins 

B. A.C    Swinburne 

C. Christina  Rossetti 

D. None  of  the  above

Ans. A

15. The  name  of  the    ancient  Saxon  kingdom  is  associated  with  the  novels  of 

A. George  Meredith 

B. George  Eliot 

C. Charles  Reade 

D. Thomas  Hardy 

Ans. D

16. Studies  in  the  History  of  the  Renaissance  is  a  work  by 

A. Walter  Pater 

B. Thomas  Carlyle 

C. John  Ruskin 

D. Matthew  Arnold 

Ans. A

17. The  Great  Exhibition  was  held  in 

A. London 

B. Paris 

C. Dublin 

D. Edinburgh 

Ans. A

18. Mr.  Micawber  is  a  character  in 

A. Oliver  Twist 

B. Great  Expectations 

C. David  Copperfield 

D. Pickwick  Papers 

Ans. C

Quiz on Victorian Period 👇


 19. “Poetry  is  a  criticism  of  life”  is  said  by 

a. Thomas  Arnold 

b. Matthew  Arnold 

C. Walter  Pater 

D. Oscar  Wilde

Ans. B

20. Aurora  Leigh  is  written  by 

A. Gerad  Manley  Hopkins 

B. Edward  FitzGerald 

C. Edward Lear 

D. Elizabeth Barret Browning

Ans. D



Mock Test on Victorian Age MCQ

MCQ on Indian literature

Quiz on Elizabethan and Jacobean Ages

21. Elizabeth Barrett's "Sonnets from the Portuguese"  expresses her love for_

A. Arnold

B. Browning

C. D. G. Rossetti

D. Tennyson

Ans. B

22. Elizabeth Barrett's most famous work which is a long blank verse novel is _

A. Casa Guidi Windows

B. The Battle of Marathon

C. Aurora Leigh

D. A Drama of exile

Ans. C

23. Aurora Leigh is considered to be a woman's version of _

A. Wordsworth's 'The Prelude'

B. D. G. Rossetti's 'Blassed Damozel'

C. Mathew Arnold's 'Dover Beach'

D. Robert Browning's 'My Last Duchess'

Ans. A

24. Alfred Lord Tennyson's "Chiefly Lyrical" was published in_ 

A. 1832

B. 1841

C. 1830

D. 1840

Ans. C

25. Among the followings Victorian poet who is considered the master of dramatic monologue?

A. Tennyson

B. Robert Browning

C. Mathew Arnold

D. A. C. Swinburne

Ans. B


Poets of the Victorian Age and their Major Works

Quiz On English Literature Click Here

Most important Multiple Choice Questions from Victorian Age | English Literature

01. 'David Copperfield' is a / an ----- novel. 

(a) Victorian

 (b) Elizabethan 

 (c) Romantic 

(d) Modern 

Anss. a 

02. London town is found a living being in the work of- . 

(a) Thomas Hardy 

(b) Charles Dickens 

 (c) W. Congreve 

 (d) D. H. Lawrence 

Anss. b 

03. Who wrote 'Patriotism'? 

(a) William Shakespeare 

(b) William Wordsworth 

 (c) Sir Walter Scott 

(d) Robert Browning 

 Ans. C

 04. Who excels in dramatic monologue? 

(a) John Milton 

(b) Robert Browning 

 (c) S.T. Coleridge 

(d) William Wordsworth 

Ans. B 

05. Who wrote the book 'Ivan Hoe'? 

(a) O' Henry 

(b) R L Stevenson 

 (c) Earnest Hemingway 

(d) Sir Walter Scott 


 06. Which poetry is written by Sir Walter Scott?

(a) Patriotism 

(b) the Patriot 

 (c) A Frosty Night 

(d) All of the above 


07. In which century was the Victorian period? 

(a) 17th century 

(b) 18th century 

 (c) 19th century 

(d) 20th century 

Ans. C

08. The Victorian age is named after____.

(a) King Victor 1 

 (b) Victory of the British Empire 

 (c) The Victors in the war against the French 

 (d) Queen Victoria 

Anss. d 

09. Tennyson's 'In Memoriam' is- 

(a) an elegy 

(b) an ode 

 (c) a sonnet 

(d) None of them 

Ans. A

10. Who wrote the poem 'Ulysses'?  

(a) Robert Browning 

(b) Alfred Tennyson 

 (c) George Eliot 

(d) Charles Dickens 

Ans. B

11. Tennyson wrote-- 

(a) The Lotus-Eaters 

 (b) Dover Beach 

 (c) My Last Dutchess 

 (d) The Eve of St. Agnes 

Ans. A

12. 'The Falcon' is a comedy by- 

 (a) Emily Bronte 

(b) Charlotte Bronte 

 (c) Robert Browning 

(d) Alfred Tennyson 

Ans. d 

13. Which of the following ages in literary history is the latest? 

(a) The Anglo Saxon Age 

(b) The Renaissance Age 

 (c) The Romantic Age 

(d) The Victorian Age 

Anss. d 

14. Browning was the composer of any of the following poems- 

 (a) Two Voices 

(b) The Scholar Gipsy 

 (c) Andrea Del Sarto 

(d) Oenone 

Anss. c 

15. Who is the poet of the Victorian age? 

 (a) Helen Keller 

(b) Matthew Arnold 

 (c) Shakespeare 

(d) Robert Browning 

Ans. b/d 

16. Who among the following is not a recipient of the Nobel prize in Literature? 

(a) Rabindranath Tagore 

(b) W.B Yeats 

 (c) T. S Eliot 

(d) Robert Browning 

Ans. d 

17. The poem 'The Patriot' is written by-- 

(a) Alfred Tennyson 

(b) Robert Browning 

 (c) Matthew Arnold 

(d) John Donne 

Ans. b 

18. Browning wrote-- 

 (a) Rabbi Ben Ezra 

(b) La Belle Dame Sans Merci 

 (c) Adonais 

(d) Don Juan 

Ans. a 

19. Who is a Victorian Poet? 

 (a) Lord Byron 

(b) Thomas Gray 

 (c) Matthew Arnold 

(d) None of them 

Ans. c 

20. 'The Scholar Gipsy' wrote by- 

 (a) Matthew Arnold 

(b) Robert Browning 

 (c) W. B Yeats 

(d) Alfred Tennyson 

Ans. a 

21. One of the following authors is French. Who is he? 

(a) W. Somerset Maugham 

(b) Sir Arthur Doyle 

 (c) Edward Fitzgerald 

(d) Alexandre Dumas 

Ans. d 

22. Matthew Arnold belongs to-- 

 (a) Romantic Age 

(b) Victorian Age 

 (c) Puritan Age 

(d) Modern Age 

Ans. b 

Modernist Period MCQs in English Literature

Elizabeth Barrett Browning's 'Sonnets From the Portuguese' is volume of live sonnets.

 How many poems are there ?

A. 34

B. 44

C. 43

D. 54

Ans. B

William Morris dedicated his narrative poem 'Goblin Market' to ____.

A. Alfred Tennyson

B. Robert Browning

C. D. G. Rossetti

D. Mathew Arnold

Ans. C

Elizabeth Barrett Browning's most known novel 'Aurora Leigh' is considered to be the woman version of __________.

A. Wordsworth's 'The Prelude'

B. Charles Dickens' 'David Copperfield'

C. Emily Bronte's 'Wuthering Heights'

D. Elizabeth Gaskell's 'Sylvia's Lovers'

Ans. A

About which novel Gaskell said "The saddest story I ever wrote" ?

A. 'Sylvia's Lovers'

B. 'North and South'

C. 'Wives and Daughters'

D. 'Cousin Phillis'

Ans. A

The character, Molly Gibson, appears in ___.

A. 'Sylvia's Lovers'

B. 'North and South'

C. 'Wives and Daughters'

D. 'Cousin Phillis'

Ans. C

Multiple Choice Questions On Victorian Age English Literature

Victorian Period (1837-1901) Multiple Choice Questions Answers |MCQs on Victorian Age in English Literature | History of English Literature | MCQ Type Questions Answers on Victorian Period

Ma English Entrance  MCQs for JNU, DU, CU, EFLU, Jamia, Aligarh | Victorian Period | English Literature | 2021

Victorian major writers and their literary works

Most important Multiple Choice Questions from Victorian Age | English Literature

1. The Pre-Raphaelite school of poets were associated with —

(A) Politics
(B) Painting
(C) Music
(D) Dance

Ans. Painting

2. Queen Victoria died in —

(A) 1903
(B) 1902
(C) 1901
(D) 1900

Ans. 1901

3. "A  Pomegranates" was written by —

(A) Robert Browning
(B) Elizabeth Barrett Browning
(C) Dante Gabriel Rossetti
(D) Christina Georgina Rossetti

Ans. Dante Gabriel Rossetti

4. 'In Memoriam’ is an elegy -written on the death of— 

(A) Arthur Hugh Clough
(B) John Keats
(C) Edward King
(D) Arthur Henry Hallam

Ans. Arthur Henry Hallam

5. John Ruskin’s Modern Painters was first published in —

(A) 1840
(B) 1841
(C) 1842
(D) 1843

Ans. 1843

6. 'The Defence of Lucknow’ is a poem by —

(A) William Wordsworth
(B) Matthew Arnold
(C) Oscar Wilde
(D) Alfred Lord Tennyson

Ans. Alfred Lord Tennyson

7. We come across the sisters Lora and Lizzie in tine poem —

(A) 'The lady of Shalott’
(B) Abt Vogler
(C) Goblin Market
(D) Rugby Chapel

Ans. Goblin Market

8. The character of Heathcliff appears in —

(A) Wuthering Heights
(B) Jane Eyre
(C) Middlemarch
(D) Far from the Madding Crowd

Ans. Wuthering Heights

9. The famous scientific work written by Charles Lyell is —

(A) Principles of Psychology
(B) Principles of Geology
(C) Principles of Physiology
(D) Principles of Zoology

Ans. Principles of Geology

10. Which one of the following poems is a dramatic monologue ?'

(A) Morte d’Arthur
(B) Tithonus
(C) The Lady of Shalott
(D) Crossing the Bar

Ans. Tithonus

11. Which one of the following novels falls under tire category of historical fiction ?

(A) Dombey and Son
(B) Barnaby Rudge
(C) Hard Times
(D) Nicholas Nickleby

Ans. Barnaby Rudge

👉Dombey and Son > Domestic fiction
Hard Times > Novel, Fiction, Social criticism, Industrial novel
Nicholas Nickleby >
Humorous Fiction, Social criticism

12. Who defined poetry as the “criticism of life” —

(A) William Wordsworth
(B) Hippolyte Taine
(C) Matthew Arnold
(D) Walter Pater

Ans. Matthew Arnold

13. Which one of the following is a novel by Oscar Wilde ?

(A) The Importance of Being Earnest
(B) The Picture of Dorian Gray
(C) Salome
(D) A Woman of No Importance

Ans. The Picture of Dorian Gray
A.  Play
B. Novel
(C) Play
(D) Play

14. The Second Reform Act was passed in—

(A) 1837
(B) 1847
(C) 1857
(D) 1867

Ans. 1867

15. The Dynasts is a drama in verse by —

(A) Alfred Tennyson
(B) Robert Browning
(C) Matthew Arnold
(D) Thomas Hardy

Ans. Thomas Hardy

16. Becky Sharp is a character from —

(A) Jane Eyre
(B) Great Expectations
(C) Vanity Fair
(D) North and South

Ans. Vanity Fair

17. The verse drama 'The Sisters' was written by —'

(A) A. C. Swinburne
(B) Alfred Tennyson
(C) D. G Rossetti
(D) Matthew Arnold

Ans. A. C. Swinburne

18. The title of the sonnet sequence by D. G. Rossetti is —

(A) The House of Love
(B) The House of Death
(C) The House of Life
(D) The House of Pride

Ans. The House of Life

19. Alfred Tennyson became the poet Laureate in _

(A) 1848
(B) 1850
(C) 1852
(D) 1854

Ans. 1850

20. Which of the following pail's is incorrectly matched ?

(A) George Eliot : Silas Marner
(B) Elizabeth Gaskell : Mary Barton
(C) Thomas Hardy : The Return of the Native
(D) Charles Dickens : The Warden

Ans. The Warden, novel by Anthony Trollope


1. Which of the following group of writers can be associated with 20th century literature ?

(A) Shaw, Wells and Galsworthy
(B) Fielding, Richardson and Smollet
(C) Hardy, Dickens and Jane Austen
(D) Milton, Donne and Herbert

2. The accession of George V took place in

(A) 1919
(B) 1911
(C) 1910
(D) 1909

Ans. 1911

3. Who is not a member of the Bloomsbury Group ?

(A) E. M. Forster
(B) G B. Shaw
(C) Leonard Woolf
(D) Lytton Strachey

Ans. G B. Shaw

4. Ezra Pound was the main exponent of *

(A) Imagism
(B) Impressionism
(C) Smrealism
(D) Dadaism

Ans. Imagism

5. Robert Brooke wrote his poetry during which conflict ?

(A) Boer War
(B) Second World War
(C) First World War
(D) Korean War

Ans. First World War

6. "The Pylons” was written by —

(A) Edmund Spenser
(B) Stephen Spender
(C) D. H. Lawrence
(D) W. H. Auden

Ans. Stephen Spender

7. Who wrote problem plays?

(A) John Galsworthy
(B) W. B. Yeats
(C) T. S. Eliot
(D) L. Abercrombie

Ans. John Galsworthy

8. In which of Shaw's plays, there is a reference to protestantism and nationalism?

(A) Anns and tire Man
(B) Candida
(C) Saint Joan
(D) Pygmalion

Ans. Saint Joan 

9. “Religion by the Blood” is a phrase associated with?

(A) Janies Joyce
(B) Conrad
(C) Virginia Woolf
(D) D. H. Lawrence

Ans. D. H. Lawrence

10. Which of the authors is not a

(A) E. M. Forster
(B) James Joyce
(C) Virginia Woolf
(D) W. M. Thackeray

11. Who was the first to use the term "Stream of Consciousness"?

(A) James Joyce
(B) Walter Allen
(C) W. Y. Tindall
(D) William James

12. Which was the first novel of Virginia Woolf?

(A) Night and Day
(B) The Voyage Out
(C) Jacob's Room
(D) Mrs. Dalloway

13. The poem "Leda and the Swan” was written by _

(A) Thomas Hardy
(B) W. B. Yeats
(C) D. H. Lawrence
(D) Wilfred Owen

Ans. W. B. Yeats

14. W. H. Auden was influenced by —

(A) Plato
(B) Dante
(C) Socrates
(D) Marx and Freud

Ans. Dante

15. Who popularised the term “objective correlative” ?

(A) I. A. Richards
(B) F. R. Leavis
(C) David Daiches
(D) T. S. Eliot

Ans. T. S. Eliot

Mock test on Victorian Period MCQs :

16.  Edward Thomas was a/an —

(A) Elizabethan poet
(B) Victorian poet
(C) Edwardian poet
(D) Georgian poet

17. Stephen Spender was one of the distinguished poets of

(A) America
(B) Britain
(C) Italy
(D) France

18. When was T. S. Eliot's "The Waste Land” published ?

(A) 1900
(B) 1921
(C) 1920
(D) 1922

19. Which of the following is the period of World War 1 ?

(A) 1939- 1944
(B) 1929- 1934
(C) 1914-1919
(D) 1920- 1924

20. “Animal Farm” is 'George Orwell's indictment of which of the following?

(A) Socialism
(B) Democracy
(C) Communism
(D) Monarchy