MCQ on Old English or Anglo Saxon Period (450-1066)| English Literature
The Old English Period to The Renaissance Period Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | English Literature
MCQs Type Questions Answers on English Literature | Old English Period to Renaissance Period
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Multiple Choice Questions From Old English Period to Renaissance Period | English Literature |
Periods of English Literature
450-1066 Old English or Anglo Saxon Period1066-1500 Middle English Period1500-1600 The Renaissance Period1521-1603 Reformation1558-1603 Elizabethan Age1603-1625 Jacobean Age1625-1649 Caroline Period1625-1660 Commonwealth, Puritanism Age1660-1700 The Restoration Period1740-1800 Transition Age, The Age of Johnson1798-1837 The Romantic Period1837-1903 The Victorian Period1848-1860 The Pre-Raphaelites1890-1914 Aesthetic Movement1912-1914 Imagist Movement1910-1936 The Georgian Period1901-1945 The Modern Period1914-1918 War Poetry1945. The Post Modern Period
Multiple Choice Questions on English Literature
MCQ(s) Old English Period to Renaissance
01. Which is the oldest period in English Literature?
(a) Anglo-Norman
(b) Anglo-Saxon
(c) Chaucer's Period
(d) Middle
Ans. b
02. Which one of the following is first long poem in English?
(a) The Wanderer
(b) Beowulf
(c) The Seafarer
(d) Dream of the Road
Ans. b
03. Choose the right answer:
Chaucer is the representative poet of-
(a) 17th century
(b) 14th century
(c) 16 the century
(d) 18th century
Ans. b
04. Who is known as the father of English poetry? Who is called the father of English Poetry?
(a) Milton
(b) Wordsworth
(c) Chaucer
(d) Charles Dickens
Ans. c
05. Who is the father of Modern English Poetry?
(a) Cynewulf
(b) Geoffrey Chaucer
(c) Robert Browning
(d) None of the above
Ans. b
06. 'The Canterbury Tales' are told by-
(a) Geoffrey Chaucer
(b) John Wycliffe
(c) Boccaccio
(d) Thomas Barth
Ans. a
07. The Canterbury Tales is as alive and _________ today as it was nearly 600 years ago.
Fill in the blank with the following options.
(a) appealing
(b) fruitful
(c) repelling
(d) enchanting
Ans. a
08. Among the following which one was written by Geoffrey Chaucer —
(a) Canterbury Tales
(b) Piers Plowman
(c) Morte d‘ Arthur
(d) The Maid‘s Tragedy
Ans. a
09. Who is considered to be the father of English Poem?
(a) William Langland
(b) Thomas Moore
(c) Rozer Bacon
(d) Geoffrey Chaucer
Anss. d
10. Who translated the Bible into English for the first time?
(a) Nicolas Udall
(b) Thomas Norton
(c) John Wycliffe
(d) Edmund Spenser
Ans. c
11. Who translated "The New Testament"?
(a) Langland
(b) John Wycliffe
(c) Layamon
(d) King Alfred
Ans. b
12. The word 'Renaissance' means—
(a) regain
(b) reborn
(c) re-arrange
(d) rebirth
Ans. d
13. 'Renaissance' means —
(a) the revival of learning
(b) the revival of hard task
(c) the revival of life
(d) the revival of new country
Ans. a
15. The beginning of the Renaissance may be traced to the city of—
(a) Venice
(b) London
(c) Paris
(d) Florence
Ans. d
16. Renaissance is — word.
(a) an Italian
(b) a Russian
(c) a European
(d) a French
Ans. a
17. Where did the Renaissance start from?
(a) England
(b) Germany
(c) Italy
(d) U.S.A
Ans. c
18. The main feature of the Renaissance is—
(a) Humanism
(b) Utopia
(c) Polyolbian
(d) Opus Majas
Ans. (a)
19. Who is the 'University Wits' in the following list?
(a) William Shakespeare
(b) Thomas Gray
(c) Robert Greene
(d) John Dryden
Ans. c
20. Elizabethan tragedy is centred on-
(a) love
(b) war
(c) revenge
(d) philosophy
Ans. c
21. Which period is known as 'the golden age' of English Literature?
(a) the Victorian age
(b) the Eighteenth century
(c) the Restoration
(d) the Elizabethan Age
Ans. d
22. Who wrote the plays “The Tempest‟ and “The Mid Summer Night‟s Dream”?
(a) Ben Jonson
(b) Christopher Marlowe
(c) John Dryden
(d) William Shakespeare
Ans. d
23. Julius Caesar was the ruler of Rome about—
(a) 1000 years ago
(b) 1500 years ago
(c) 2000 years ago
(d) 3000 years ago
Ans. c
24. Shakespeare is known mostly for his-
(a) poetry
(b) novels
(c) autobiography
(d) plays
Ans. d
25. Which of the following is a play by Shakespeare —
(a) King Lear
(b) The Duchess of Malfi
(c) Candida
(d) Waiting for Godot
Ans. a
26. William Shakespeare was an English dramatist and poet of the----- century.
(a) fifteenth
(b) sixteenth
(c) fourteenth
(d) seventeenth
Ans. b
27. Which of the following plays is by William Shakespeare?
(a) Desire Under the Elms
(b) Measure for Measure
(c) Pygmalion
(d) Cocktail Party
Ans. b
28. "Shakespeare" is the writer of—
(a) The Tempest
(b) The Idea of University
(c) The Hairy Ape
(d) Riders to the Sea
Ans. a
29. A sonnet is a lyric poem of—
(a) 12 lines
(b) 24 lines
(c) 14 lines
(d) 10 lines
Ans. c
30. William Shakespeare is the author of—
(a) Pride and Prejudice
(b) Waiting for Godot
(c) Sound of Music
(d) King Lear
Ans. d
31. “Twelfth Night” is—
(a) a comedy
(b) an elegy
(c) a novel
(d) a tragedy
Ans. a
32. Which book is a Tragedy?
(a) Hamlet
(b) Measure for Measure
(c) As you like it
(d) She stoops to conquer
Ans. a
33. "Macbeth" is —
(a) a play
(b) a novel
(c) an essay
(d) a poem
Ans. a
34. William Shakespeare is the author of-
(a) Paradise Lost
(b) Old Man & the Sea
(c) Daffodils
(d) King Lear
Ans. d
35. Which is not true of an English sonnet?
(a) It has fourteen lines
(b) It has fourteen syllables in each line
(c) It has five feet in each line
(d) It is written in iambic pentameter lines
Ans. b
36. William Shakespeare is a famous—
(a) dramatist
(b) novelist
(c) essayist
(d) critic
Ans. a
37. The play "Romeo and Juliet" was written by-
(a) Charles Dickens
(b) William Shakespeare
(c) Jane Austen
(d) Michael Modhusudon
Ans. b
38. Who wrote "The Tempest"?
(a) William Wordsworth
(b) Ben Jonson
(c) William Shakespeare
(d) Tennyson
Ans. c
39. Romeo and Juliet is a—
(a) Comedy
(b) Tragedy
(c) Romance
(d) Morality play
Ans. b
40. William Shakespeare is not the author of—
(a) Titus Andronicus
(b) Taming of the Shrew
(c) White Devil
(d) Hamlet
Ans. c
41. The poem "Under the Green Wood Tree" was written by—
(a) William Wordsworth
(b) Robert Browning
(c) William Shakespeare
(d) Ralph Hodgson
Ans. c
42. Macbeth is a — by Shakespeare.
(a) novel
(b) short story
(c) verse
(d) play
Ans. d
43. Who is the greatest dramatist of all times?
(a) G.B. Shaw
(b) William Shakespeare
(c) William Wordsworth
(d) Jonathan Swift
Ans. b
44. Which of the following is a "Comedy" written by Shakespeare?
(a) Macbeth
(b) King Lear
(c) As You Like It
(d) Hamlet
Ans. c
45. Who is the writer of „The Merchant of Venice‟?
(a) Tolstoy
(b) William Shakespeare
(c) Goethe
(d) Edmund Spenser
Ans. b
46. Which is known as Shakespeare‟s Swansong?
(a) Hamlet
(b) Macbeth
(c) The Tempest
(d) Twelfth Night
Ans. c
47. "To be or not to be that is the question‟ From which play the above sentence has been taken?
(a) Macbeth
(b) Merchant of Venice
(c) Tempest
(d) Hamlet
Ans. d
48. One of the following plays is not a tragedy-
(a) Hamlet
(b) Macbeth
(c) Othello
(d) Tempest
Anss. d
49. Shakespeare was born in the year---
(a) 1540
(b) 1564
(c) 1340
(d) 1610
Ans. b
The Old English Period to The Renaissance MCQs Questions with Answers | English Literature
MCQs Type Questions Answers on English Literature | | Old English Period to Renaissance Period | MCQs Type Questions on Old English Period | Middle English Period and Renaissance Period
50. William Shakespeare is a famous ___ century English Playwright
(a) nineteenth
(b) sixteenth
(d) eighteenth
(d) fifteenth
Ans. b
MCQs on Old English Period to Renaissance| ENGLISH LITERATURE
1. Shakespeare's "King lear" is a ___
(a) Satire
(b) comedy
(c) Tragedy
(d) Historical Play
Ans. c
2. In what year did Shakespeare die?
(a) 1570 AD
(b) 1580 AD
(c) 1630 AD
(d) 1616 AD
Ans. D
3. Shakespeare wrote brilliant---
(a) poems
(b) essays
(c) novels
(d) dramas
Anss. d
4. Hamlet is __
(a) a tragedy by Shakespeare
(b) a play by G.B Shaw
(c) a poem by Shelley
(d) a novel by Hardy
Ans. a
5. 'The Merchant of Venice' is a drama by __
(a) Webster
(b) Ben Jonson
(c) William Shakespeare
(d) Christopher Marlowe
Ans. c
6. Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar' is a --
(a) comedy
(b) satire
(c) tragedy
(d) historical play
Ans. c
7. The Unfortunate Traveller has been authored by
(A) Robert Greene
(B) Thomas Deloney
(C) Thomas Nashe
(D) Thomas Lodge
Ans. C
8. Who, among the following, is not a practitioner of Jacobean tragedy?
(A) George Villiers
(B) John Marston
(C) John Webster
(D) Thomas Middleton
Ans. A
9. The author of Nation and Narration is___.
(A) Edward Said
(B) Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
(C) Frantz Fanon
(D) Homi Bhabha
Ans. D
10. Which of the following novels has a great impact on the formal experimentation in contemporary fiction?
(A) Thomas Nashe’s The Unfortunate Traveller
(B) Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones
(C) Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy
(D) Samuel Richardson’s Pamela
Ans. C
11. The phrase ‘Only Connect’ is associated with ___.
(A) D. H. Lawrence
(B) James Joyce
(C) E. M. Forster
(D) Virginia Woolf
Ans. C
12. Which of the following books is by Margaret Atwood?
(A) The Stone Angel
(B) No Fixed Address
(C) The Edible Woman
(D) Half breed
Ans. C
13. The expression “murderous innocence” is an example of ___.
(A) Oxymoron
(B) Zeugma
(C) Chiasmus
(D) Pun
Ans. A
14. The Enlightenment believed in the universal authority of __.
(A) Religion
(B) Tradition
(C) Reason
(D) Sentiments
Ans. C
15. Which of the following works of John Milton is an elegy?
(A) Lycidas
(B) L’Allegro
(C) Camus
(D) Paradise Lost
Ans. A
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The poem ‘The Patriot’ is written by -
(a) Alfred Tennyson
(c) Mathew Arnold
(b) Robert Browning
(d) John Donne
2. Who wrote ‘The Tempest’?
(a) William Wordsworth
(c) William Shakespeare
(b) Ben Jonson
(d) Tennyson
3. Which book is a Tragedy?
(a) Hamlet
(b) Measure for Measure
(c) As you like it
(d) She stoops to conquer
4. The ‘Merchant of Venice’ Written by Shakespeare is -
(a) A novel
(b) a short story
(c) a poem
(d) a drama
5. ‘Faerie Queen’ is a -
(a) play
(b) short story
(c) an epic
(d) novel
6. Who among the following is a revolutionary poet?
(a) John Keats
(b) P.B. Shelly
(c) S.T. Coleridge
(d) William Wordsworth
7. Great Expectations is a novel written by-
(a) Charles Dickens
(b) Thomas Hardy
(c) Jane Austen
(d) Henry Fielding
8. Paradise Lost is -
(a) an epic
(b) a satirical work
(c) a tragedy
(d) a ballad
9. Who wrote ‘Madame Bovary’?
(a) Leo Tolstoy
(b) James Joyce
(c) E.M. Forster
(d) Gustave Flaubert
10. The poem ‘Isle of Innisfree’ is written by
(a) Dylan Thomas
(b) W.H Auden
(c) Ezra Pound
(d) W.B. Yeats
11. Othello is a Shakespeare’s play about -
(a) A Jew
(b) A Turk
(c) A Roman
(d) A Moor
12. The play Arms and the Man is by -
(a) James Joyce
(b) Arthur Miller
(c) Samuel Beckett
(d) George Bernard Shaw
13. ‘The Lord of the Rings’ is written by -
(a) Rudyard Kipling
(b) Ronald Reuel Tolkien
(c) Hobbit
(d) None
14. ‘Tradition and the Individual Talent’ is an essay by -
(a) Thomas Hardy
(b) T.S. Eliot
(c) Virginia Woolf
(d) Thomas Carlyle
15. Who of the following is a playwright?
(a) Dickens
(b) Frost
(c) W.B. Yeats
(d) G.B. Shaw
The monster Grendel appears in which one of the following poems?
(A) Beowulf
(B) Historia Regum Britanniae
(C) Roman de Brut
(D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above
The Owl and the Nightingale had been written primarily for which one of the following classes of the audience?
(A) English nuns
(B) Women recluses who had chosen the solitary life
(C) English queens
(D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above
Who is the narrator of the poem, Phyllyp Sparowe ?
(A) Dame of Margery
(B) William Thynne
(C) Earl of Surrey
(D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above
Which one of the following works speaks of a government controlled by a self-perpetuating oligarchy?
(A) The History of King Richard III
(B) In Praise of Folly
(C) Utopia
(D) More than one of the above
(E) None of thea above
Which one of the following poems had been written as an allegorical lament on the death of the first wife of John of Gaunt?
(A) The Book of the Duchess
(B) The Legend of Good Women
(C) Troilus and Criseyde
(D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above
“Come, let me write. “And to what end?” To ease A burthened heart. “How can words ease, which are The glasses of thy daily vexing care?”
The above verse has been in which one of the following poems?
(A) Astrophil and Stella
(B) Arcadia
(C) A Hundreth Sundrie Flowres
(D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above
The Scriblerus Club was an informal group of authors founded in 1714 by J. Swift and A. Pope. Who among the following was not a member of this group
A. John Gay,
B. St. John
C. Joseph Addison
D. T. Parnell
Ans. C