Top 50 Multiple Choice Questions in English Literature -Mock Test
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Most 50 important Multiple Choice Questions from English Literature. Most important MCQs for 2023 Entrance Exams from English Literature.
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Mock test on English Literature Most expected 50 MCQs for up coming exams from English Literature | |
Most 50 important Multiple Choice Questions from English Literature :
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Total Multiple Choice Questions are 50.
1. Which among the following is not a characteristic feature of a lyric
a) deals with single emotion
b) portrays the tempo of the age
c) uses simple language
d) uses conceits
2. The Songs of Experience is a collection of poems by ___________.
a) Andrew Marvell
b) William Blake
c) William Wordsworth
d) John Keats
3. Who despised poetry as “the Wing of Devils”?
a) Aristotle
b) Plato
c) Bacon
d) Webster
4. The Spoken Word Television Series aired on HBO between 2002 and 2007
a) Beat poetry
b) Def poetry
c) Jazz poetry
d) None of the above
5. The nationality of Arthur Rimbaud
a) French
b) American
c) British
d) German
6. Balutais the autobiographical novel written by _______.
a) Om Prakash Valmiki
b) Bama
c) Daya Pawar
d) Pratibha Ray
7. The figure of speech used in “Time’s winged chariot hurrying near” is_________.
a) Metaphor
b) Simile
c) Hyperbole
d) Metonymy
9.__________ is the author of The Gypsy Goddess.
a) Meena Alexander
b) Meena Kandaswamy
c) Kiran Desai
d) Anita Desai
10. The movement associated with Modernism is _________.
a) Dadaism
b) Symbolism
c) Vorticism
d) All the above
11. Which among the following is a work by Francis Bacon ?
a) The New Atlantis
b) Areopagetica
c) The Scholar Gypsy
d) The Alchemist
12. “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.” Identify the character referred to in the lines .
a) Helen of Troy
b) Cleopatra
c) Juliet
d) Duchess of Malfi
13. Which play of Shakespeare is considered to be the “magical Swan-Song”?
a) Macbeth
b) Hamlet
c) As You Like It
d) The Tempest
14. The setting of Riders to the Sea is________.
a) Maldives
b) Scotland
c) Aran Islands
d) None of the above
15. Shadow of the Glen is a play by_________.
a) Wesker
b) Ibsen
c) Synge
d) Ionesco
16. The repetition of consonants in a sequence of words is called_______.
a) assonance
b) alliteration
c) allusion
d) none of the above
17. Who among the following is associated with Abbey Theatre?
a) Larkin
b) Yeats
c) Eliot
d) None of the above
18. _______________is the phrase used by WB Yeats to describe the ‘collective soul’ of the universe containing all memories.
a) unconscious
b) spiritus mundi
c) archetypes
d) id
19. Name the play that depicts the cold war between the Crown and the Church
a) Murder in the Cathedral
b) Riders to the Sea
c) The Rivals
d) None of the above
20. Philip Larkin belongs to the school of___________.
a) Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
b) Movement Poetry
c) Cavalier Poetry
d) Graveyard Poetry
21. Which among the following is not a poem written by Ted Hughes?
a) Thought Fox
b) Hawk Roosting
c) View of a Pig
d) The Tyger
22. Name the poet critic who published the poems written by Hopkins after the poet’s death.
a) Robert Bridges
b) T. S Eliot
c) Virginia Woolf
d) None of the above
23. Which among the following plays comes under the category ‘Plays Unpleasant’?
a) Arms and the Man
b) Mrs. Warren’s Profession
c) Candida
d) All the above
24) Which among the following is not a work by D H Lawrence?
a) The White Peacock
b) The Rainbow
C) Women in Love
d) The Good Woman of Setzuan
25. Ernestina is a character in ___________.
a) The Golden Notebook
b) To the Lighthouse
c) The French Lieutenant’s Woman
d) Mrs. Dalloway
26. The first comedy in English is __________.
a) Gorboduc
b) Ralph Roister Doister
c) As You Like It
d) Much Ado About Nothing
27. Preface to Lyrical Ballads was published in ________.
a) 1798
b) 1800
c) 1796
d) 1802
28. _________ wrote The Golden Bough.
a) James Frazer
b) Sigmund Freud
c) Northrop Frye
d) None of the above
29. The branch of linguistics that deals with the study of meaning is called ____.
a) Phonology
b) Morphology
c) Semantics
d) Semiotics
30. Who among the following poets is associated with the Imagist movement?
a) Philip Larkin
b) Wilfred Owen
c) Ezra Pound
d) R S Thomas
31. The smallest distinctive grammatical unit is called________.
a) Phoneme
b) Word
c) Morpheme
d) None of the above
32. Aristotle and Plato belong to the ________ phase of criticism.
a) Hellenistic
b) Hellenic
c) Greco Roman
d) Renaissance
33. The term ‘collective unconscious’ was coined by______.
a) Carl Jung
b) Freud
c) Ernest Jones
d) John Lock
34. The term ‘Gynocriticism’ is associated with________________
a) Julia Kristeva
b) Elaine Showalter
c) Virginia Woolf
d) Kate Millet
35. What does a woman need in order to write fiction, according to Woolf?
a) A good education
b) A supporting family
c) A paper and a pen
d) Some money and a room
36. The linguist associated with Structuralism is __________
a) Ferdinand Saussure
b) Roland Barthes
c) Noam Chomsky
d) Jacques Lacan
37. Nathaniel Hawthorne is associated with ______________
a) Romanticism
b) Nationalism
c) Transcendentalism
d) None of the above
38. Mahaswetha Devi’s Breast Giver was translated into English by _________
a) Gayathri Spivak
b) Susie Tharu
c) Meena Kandaswamy
d) None of the above
39. Modernism in Indian poetry in English began with_________.
a) Sarojini Naidu
b) Nissm Ezekiel
c) Toru Dutt
d) Agar Shahid Ali
40. Who was the first recipient of Sahitya Academy Award for English?
a) MulkrajAnand
b) NayantaraSehgal
c) R K Narayan
d) Raja Rao
41. __________is a novel centred on the theme of rape.
a) The Bending Vine
b) Some Inner Fury
c) Voices in the City
d) A Time to be Happy
42. Whose autobiography is entitled Father’s Son?
a) Frank Moraes
b) Dom Moraes
c) V S Naipaul
d) Nirad C Chaudhury
43. Where is The God of Small Things set?
a) Anakkayam.
d) None of the above
44. Aristotle discusses the theory of tragedy in _________.
a) Ars Poetica
b) Rhetoric
c) Poetics
d) None of the above
45. ________ is a novel that has the rise of religious fundamentalism as one of its themes.
a) The Ministry of Utmost Happiness
b) Midnight’s Children
c) The Great Indian Novel
d) Vanity Bagh
46. Orientalism is a work by________
a)Salman Rushdie
b)Homi Bhaba
c) AshisNandy
d)Edward Said
47. Who won the Man Booker prize for Fiction in 2017?
a) George Saunders
b) Arundhati Roy
c) Paul Auster
d) Ali Smith
48. Benjy is a character in__________
a) The Sun also Rises
b) The Sound and the Fury
c) As I Lay Dying
d) Light in August
48. ‘Fancy’ is a term associated with__________.
a) Wordsworth
b) Coleridge
c) Keats
d) Shelley
49. In literary criticism “touchstone method” is associated with ________
a) Matthew Arnold
b) T S Eliot
c) Andrew Marvell
d) I A Richards
50. Which among the following is a gothic novel?
a) The Golden Notebook
b) Mansfield Park
c) Wuthering Heights
d) Uncle Tom’s Cabin