Ancient European literature in English Literature MCQ

 Ancient Literature| European literature 

Multiple Choice Questions on Ancient European literature in English

MCQ on Petrarch, Dante Alighieri,  Cervantes, Gustave Flaubert, Orphan Pamuk, Giovanni Boccaccio, Emile Zola, Jean Paul Sarte, Albert Camus, Milan Kundera, Henrik Ibsen, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and many more from Ancient to Modern European Literature. 

1. Who is considered to be the master of Greek comedy? 

(A) Sophocles 

(B) Aristophanes 

(C) Plautus 

(D) Aeschylus 

2. Aeolus is a character from — 

(A) The Odyssey 

(B) Aeneid 

(C) The Frogs 

(D) Agamemnon 

3. Apollo lived on the Mount of — 

(A) Ida 

(B) Athos 

(C) Olympus 

(D) Ossa

4. The story of the foundation of Rome from the ashes of Troy can be found in — 

(A) The Odyssey 

(B) Aeneid 

(C) Oedipus Tyrannus 

(D) Medea 

5. The Iliad has — 

(A) 12 Books 

(B) 18 Books 

(C) 24 Books 

(D) 30 Books 

6. The Nichomachean Ethics was written by — 

(A) Socrates 

(B) Sappho 

(C) Homer 

(D) Aristotle 

7. Who is not a Roman philosopher among the following? 

(A) Lucretius 

(B) Octavian 

(C) Seneca 

(D) Cicero

8. The Greek philosopher who died drinking hemlock was — 

(A) Aristotle 

(B) Socrates 

(C) Plato 

(D) Horace 

9. Who was the founder of the Peripatetic School of Philosophy? 

(A) Aristotle 

(B) Plato 

(C) Socrates 

(D) Sophocles 

10. The banishment of poets is an issue in Plato’s — 

(A) Phaedrus 

(B) Symposium 

(C) Phaedo 

(D) The Republic 

11. The Peloponnesian War ended with the victory of — 

(A) Sparta 

(B) Troy 

(C) Sicily 

(D) Ithaca

12. To appease the rage of which goddess did Agamemnon sacrifice his own daughter Iphigeneia? 

(A) Athena 

(B) Hera 

(C) Aphrodite 

(D) Artemis 

13. Dionysus is not the god of — 

(A) Thunder 

(B) Vine, grape-harvest and vegetation 

(C) Festivity and theatre 

(D) Religious ecstasy and ritual madness 

14. The comedy Samia was written by — 

(A) Socrates 

(B) Thales 

(C) Menander 

(D) Aristotle 

15. Peripeteia and anagnorisis, according to Aristotle, respectively mean — 

(A) Reversal of fortune and Discovery or Recognition 

(B) Recognition and Evoking the emotion of pity and fear 

(C) Missing the mark and Pride 

(D) Reversal of fortune and missing the mark

16. Orlando Furioso is an epic poem by — 

(A) Dante 

(B) Ovid 

(C) Ariosto 

(D) Homer 

17. Livy was the most renowned Roman — 

(A) Philosopher 

(B) Satirist 

(C) Historian 

(D) Tragedian 

18. Commentarii de Bello Gallico was written by — 

(A) Julius Caesar 

(B) Quintus 

(C) Tacitus 

(D) Sallust 

19. What was the Roman name for the king of gods? 

(A) Artemis 

(B) Atlas 

(C) Hercules 

(D) Jupiter 

20. Geography was written by — 

(A) Aristotle 

(B) Strabo 

(C) Plato 

(D) Sappho 

Among the following who was a Spanish novelist, poet and playwright?

A. Boccaccio

B. Emily Zola

C. Gustave Flaubert

D. Miguel de Cervantes

Ans. D

What is the full title of Don Quixote by Cervantes?

A. The Ingenious Woman Don Quixote of La Mancha

B. The Genious Man Don Quixote of La Mancha

C. The Ingenious Man Don Quixote of La Mancha

D. The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha

Ans. D

Which of the following one is a classic of Western Literature and is regarded amongst the best works of fiction ever written. Identify the work.

A. The Decameron

B. Don Quixote

C. The Rabel

D. Madam Bovary

Ans. B