Propounders of Important Literary Terms
100 Literary Terms for English Literature Students| MCQ | MCQ based on Literary terms and their propounders
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Literary Terms and their Propounders | MCQ |
Who coined the term 'Negative Capability, gynocriticism, Theature of Absurd, stream of consciousness, pathetic fallacy, heteroglossia, hybridity ? Find such Multiple Choice Questions with Answers following:
1. Who coined the term 'Negative Capability'?
A. T. S. Eliot
B. John Keats
C. S. T. Coleridge
D. George and Tom
Ans. B
2. John Keats coined the term 'Negative Capability' in a letter to ___.
A. T. S. Eliot
B. John Keats
C. S. T. Coleridge
D. George and Tom
Ans. D
3. Who coined the term 'Gyno Criticism' ?
A. Eline Showalter
B. Charles Fourier
C. Alice Walker
D. Verginia Woolf
Ans. A
4. Who coined the term 'Theatre of the Absurd' ?
A. Irving Wardle
B. Sydney Grundy
C. Martin Esslin
D. Albert Camus
Ans. C
5. The term 'Deep Structure' is associated with whom among the following?
A. Noam Chomsky
B. Ferdinand De Saussure
C. William Epsom
D. John Crowe Ransome
Ans. A
6. Who coined the term 'Stream of Consciousness' ?
A. T. S. Eliot
B. Vergina Woolf
C. William James
D. Toni Morrison
Ans. C
7. Who is the propounder of English Sonnet ?
A. William Shakespeare
B. Spencer
C. Thomas Wyatt
D. Petrarch
Ans. C
8. Who coined the term 'Pathetic Fallacy' ?
A. Wimsatt
B. John Ruskin
C. Beardsley
D. Both A & C
Ans. B
9. The term 'Terza Rima' was invented by __.
Thomas Wyatt
B. John Milton
C. Lord Byron
D. Dante Alighieri
Ans. D
10. Who is the propounder of 'Blank Verse in English drama' ?
A. Thomas Norton
B. Thomas Sackville
C. Thomas Wyatt
D. Both A & B
Ans. Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville in Gorboduc (1561).
11. Among the following who first used 5he term 'Rhyme Royal'
A. Geoffrey Chaucer
B. Surrey
C. Thomas Wyatt
D. Samuel Johnson
Ans. A
12. Who among the following is the only novelist of Temperance Novel ?
A. Walt Whitman
B. D. H. Lawrence
C. E. M. Foster
D. Henry Fielding
Ans. A
13. Who 8s the propounder of the term New Criticism first ?
A. William Epsom
B. John Crowe Ransome
C. I.A. Richards:
D. J. E. Spingarn
Ans. D
14. Who coined the term 'Augustan Age'?
A. Coleridge
B. Wordsworth
C. Oliver Goldsmith
D. Samuel Johnson
Ans. C
15. Who coined the term 'Irregular Ode' or 'Pindaric Ode' ?
A. Horace
B. Abraham Cowley
C. John Keats
D. P. B. Shelley
Ans. B
16. Who coined the term 'Jazz age' (1918-1929) ?
A. Ernest Hemingway
B. Gertrude Stein
C. E.E. Cummings
D. F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ans. D
17. The term 'Heteroglossia' is associated with _.
A. George Gascoigne
B. Mikhail Bakhtin
C. Derrida
D. Claude Levi Strauss
Ans. B
18. Who coined the term 'Chutnifiction' ?
A. E. M. Foster
B. Salman Rushdie
C. R. K. Narayan
D. Shashi Tharoor
Ans. B
20. Who coined the term 'Hybridity' ?
A. Theodore Adorno
B. Horkheimer
C. Homi Bhabha
D. Charles Darwin
Ans. C
21. Who coined the term 'Aporia' which refers to “blind spots” of any metaphysical argument.”
A. Fardinand De Saussure
B. Antonio Gramsci
C. Jaques Derrida
D. Claude Levi Strauss
Ans. C
22. Who gave the term 'Deconstruction' ?
A. Fardinand De Saussure
B. Jaques Derrida
C. Antonio Gramsci
D. Claude Levi Strauss
Ans. B
23. Who coined the term 'Objective Correlative' first ?
A. Washington Allston
B. T. S. Eliot
C. John Keats
D. John Ruskin
Ans. A
24. Who gave the term 'Inter-texuality' ?
A. Gayatri Spivak
B. Julia Kristeva
C. Antonio Gramsci
D. Claude Levi Strauss
Ans. B
25. Who among the following coined 5he term 'Feminism' ?
A. Eline Showalter
B. Charles Fourier
C. Alice Walker
D. Verginia Woolf
Ans. B
26. Among the followings who coined the term 'Queer Theory' in 1991 ?
A. William Butler
B. Sedgwick
C. Michael Foucault
D. Teresa de Lauretic
Ans. D
27. Who coined the term 'Lost Generation' that refers to a group of American writers and artists who came of age during World War I ?
A. Earnest Hemingway
B. Gertrude Stein
C. Archibald MacLeish
D. Hart Crane
Ans. B
28. Who coined the term 'Metaphysical Poetry'?
A. George Herbert
B. John Donne
C. Dr. Samuel Johnson
D. Henry Marvel
Ans. C
29. Who coined the term 'Oedipus Complex'?
A. Sigmund Freud
B. Jaques Darida
C. Noam Chomsky
D. Ferdinand De Saussure
Ans. A
30. Who coined the term 'Affective Fallacy & Intentional Fallacy' ?
A. John Crow Ransom
B. T. S. Eliot
C. Wimsatt and Beardsley
D. Munroe Beardsley
Ans. C
31. Who coined the term 'Subaltern'?
A. Ranajit Guha
B. Antonio Gramsci
C. Gayatri Ch. Spivak
D. Sigmund Freud
Ans. C
32. Who coined the term 'Egotistical Sublime'?
A. T.S. Eliot
B. John Keats
C. Mathew Arnold
D. George Orwell
Ans. B
33. Who coined the term 'Satanic School' ?
A. John Milton
B. Robert Southy
C. Lord Byron
D. P. B. Shelley
Ans. B
34. Who coined the term 'Post - Modernism' ?
A. Verginia Woolf
B. Arnold Toynbee
C. John Watkins Chapman
D. Jean-François Lyotard
Ans. B
35. Who coined the term 'Womanism' ?
A. Eline Showalter
B. Charles Fourier
C. Alice Walker
D. Verginia Woolf
Ans. C
36. Who coined the term 'Ecriture Feminine' ?
A. Eline Showalter
B. Helene Cixious
C. Charles Fourier
D. Alice Walker
Ans. B (In The Laugh of Medusa)
37. The terms 'Competence and Performance' are coined by __.
A. Noam Chomsky
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Fardinand De Saussure
D. Mathew Arnold
Ans. A
38. Who coined the term 'Bricolage' ?
A. Antonio Gramsci
B. Claude Levi Strauss
C. Gayatri Ch. Spivak
D. Sigmund Freud
Ans. B
39. Who coined 5he term 'Binary Opposition' ?
A. Antonio Gramsci
B. Claude Levi Strauss
C. Jaques Derrida
D. Saussure
Ans. B
40. Who among the following coined the term 'Sweetness and Light'?
A. Mathew Arnold
B. Jonathan Swift
C. Irving Wardle
D. Samuel Johnson
Ans. B
👉 Jonathan Swift in The Battle of the Books and later by Mathew Arnold in Culture and Anarchy.
41. Who coined the term 'Defamiliarization'?
A. Jaques Derrida
B. Fardinand De Saussure
C. Viktor Shklovsky
D. T. S. Eliot
Ans. C
42. Who coined the term 'Blue Comedy' ?
A. Erwin Piscator
B. Irving Wardle
C. Lionel Abel
D. Max Miller
Ans. D
43. Who coined the term 'Meta Theatre' ?
A. Erwin Piscator
B. Irving Wardle
C. Lionel Abel
D. Max Miller
Ans. C
44. Who coined the term 'Epic Theatre' ?
A. Erwin Piscator
B. Irving Wardle
C. Lionel Abel
D. Max Miller
Ans. A
45. The term 'Imagism' was coined by __.
A. T. E. Hume
B. Ezra Pound
C. W. B. Yeats
D. T. S Eliot
Ans. B
46. Who coined the term 'Collective Unconsciousness' ?
A. Sigmund Freud
B. Carl Jung
C. John Keats
D. Noam Chomsky
ans. B
47. The Archetypal Approach is associated with whom one of the following?
A. Jean Baudrillard
B. Antonio Gramsci
C. Jaques Derrida
D. Northrop Frye
Ans. D
48. Who coined the term 'Kinesthetic'?
A. Jean Baudrillard
B. Antonio Gramsci
C. F. R. Leavis
D. William Empson
Ans. C
49. Who coined the term 'Scrutiny' ?
A. F.R. Leavis
B. William Epsom
C. John Crowe Ransome
D. I.A. Richards
Ans. A
50. Who coined the term New Criticism first ?
A. William Epsom
B. John Crowe Ransom
C. I.A. Richards:
D. J. E. Spingarn
Ans. B
51. Who coined the term 'The Heresy of Paraphrase' ?
A. F. R. Leavis
B. Cleanth Brooks
C. Jaques Derrida
D. William Empson
Ans. B
52. The term 'Ambiguity' is coined by ____.
A. F. R. Leavis
B. William Empson
C. Jaques Derrida
D. Cleanth Brooks
Ans. B
53. Dissociation of Sensibility and Unification of Sensibility :
A. T. S. Eliot
B. John Donne
C. Ezra Pound
D. D. H. Lawrence
Ans. A
54. The terms 'Logocentrism' & 'Phonocentrism' are coined by which of the followings?
A. Jean Baudrillard
B. Antonio Gramsci
C. Jaques Derrida
D. William Empson
Ans. D
55. Concept of Hegemony is given by __.
A. Jean Baudrillard
B. Antonio Gramsci
C. Jaques Derrida
D. William Empson
Ans. B
56. Who coined the term 'Simulacrum' ?
A. Antonio Gramsci
B. Jaques Derrida
C. William Empson
D. Jean Baudrillard
Ans. D
57. Who coined the term 'Chora' ?
A. Julia Kristeva
B. Jaques Derrida
C. William Empson
D. Jaques Derrida
Ans. A
58. Who coined the term 'Meta History' ?
A. Erwin Piscator
B. Irving Wardle
C. Lionel Abel
D. Hayden White
Ans. D
59. Who introduced the concept 'Strategic essentialism' ?
A. Julia Kristeva
B. Antonio Gramsci
C. Gayatri Ch. Spivak
D. Sigmund Freud
Ans. C
60. In which work Geoffrey Chaucer first used the term "rhyme royal" ?
A. Troilus and Criseyde
B. The Parlement of Foules
C. Canterbury Tales
D. Both A & B
Ans. D
61. Gender Trouble by Judith Butler
62. Inscape and Instress : by - G. M. Hopkins
63. Science Fiction : by Forrest J. Ackerman
64. Hermeneutic Circle : by- Wilhelm Dilthey
65. Ecological Imperialism : by - Alfred Crosby
66. Horizon of Expectations by H R Jauss
67. Imagined Communities : by- Benedict Anderson
68. Habitus : By- Pierre Bourdieu
69. Flaneur : by- Walter Benjamin
70. American Renaissance : by - F. O. Matthiessen
71. Sensuous : by- John Milton
72. Medievalism : - John Ruskin
73. Interpretive Communities : - Stanley Fish
74. Hyper Text : by - Ted Nelson
75. Poetic Justice by -Thomas Rhymer
78. Bildingsroman by -Karl Morgenstern
79. Double think : by - George Orwell
80. Life Force by G B Shaw
81. Serendipity: by - Horace Walpole
82. New Historicism : by- Stephan Greenbalt
83. Negritude : - Aimee Cesaire and Leopald Senghor
84. Surrealist : by - Guillaume Apollinaire
85. Materialist Feminism : by - Monique Witting
86. Comic Inferno : by- Kingsley Amis
87. Epiphany : - James Joyce
88. Problem Plays : - Sydney Grundy
89. Gilded Age : - Mark Twain
90. Blank Verse in English poetry :
- Surrey (In his translation Aenied)
91. Beat Generation : by- Jack Kerouac
92. New Journalism : by- Matthew Arnold
93. Cultural Industry : - Theodore Adorno & Horkheimer
94. Communicative Competence : - Dell Hymes
95. Darwinism : by - Thomas Henry Huxley
96. School of Resentment : - Harold Bloom
97. Holocaust : by - Winston Churchill
98. Black Humour : - Andre Breton
99. Comedy of Menace : by- Irving Wardle
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